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Loving the Uncomfortably Unlovable

Last week, I traded my desert view for the sunny California coastline. My cousin and her husband recently returned to SoCal after a brief stint in Chicago and were kind enough to extend an invitation for Thanksgiving. She warned me it wouldn't be traditional in the turkey and mashed potato sense, but that really sounded pretty dreamy to my little AIP heart. My uncle and his wife plus another cousin flew in from the wintry Midwest and our party was set. I spent each morning at their vacation rental just down from Sunset Cliffs, listening to the waves crash on the sea cliffs below me, coffee in hand. It was magical. And as an added bonus, instead of being uncomfortable with my autoimmune dietary needs, the family embraced it. Thanksgiving dinner was freshly caught opah, brussels sprouts, and sweet potato.  Indeed, it was pretty easy to be thankful this year.  Pretty fab, amirite? Most of the itinerary was go-go-go. We went sailing Thursday and hiked Torrey Pines Friday. In t

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